on close terms 意味

  • 《be ~》親しく交わる


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. on the other hand , there is a hypothesis that says she was on close terms with mitsunari ishida .
  2. also keien was on close terms with fujiwara no yukinari and he is referred to in " gonki " (yukinari ' s diary ).
  3. the people with whom i was on close terms died one after another , and every time when i wrote sotoba (a narrow wooden plank ), my sleeve got wet with my tears . (with kotobagaki (foreword ))
  4. as mentioned above , since he devoted himself to painting when he was young , he lost his right to inheritance , and thereafter he lived as a painter and art collector and was on close terms with ryusei kishida .
  5. tomoito ' s son , the sixteenth-generation kichizaemon tomonari sumitomo , was also a araragi-ha poet and was on close terms with mokichi saito and jun kawada (who was also an executive at the sumitomo main office ).


        on close terms with:    《be ~》(人)と親密{しんみつ}な仲である
        on close terms with one's neighbors:    《be ~》お隣とは親しくお付き合いしている
        close to 0 percent in real terms:    《be ~》(金利{きんり}が)実質{じっしつ}ゼロ金利{きんり}の領域{りょういき}に入っている
        be on terms:     be on ... térms 〔人と〕…な間柄[仲]である〔with〕《◆...は形容詞》 be on bad [good, speaking, friendly, visiting,equal] ~s with him 彼と仲の悪い[仲の良い,言葉を交す,親しい,行き来するような,対等の]間柄である/ We're on first name ~s. (名で呼びあうほど)親しい仲
        in terms:    {1} : はっきりと、明確に -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 《be ~》交渉中、談判中、相談中
        in terms of:    ~に関して、~の点から見て[見ると]、~の観点では、~の言葉{ことば}で言えば In terms of sales, our company is doing better than last year. 売り上げについては、わが社は昨年よりも上昇している。
        on no terms:     on [upòn] nó térms 決して…ない.
        terms:    terms 条件 じょうけん 体様 たいよう
        a close:    a close 終末 しゅうまつ
        as close as:    《be ~》あたかも~かのようである
        at the close:    大引けに
        close:     1close n. 《文語》 終わり, 結末. 【動詞+】 He was approaching the close of his life. 人生の終わりに近づいていた Publication of this book marks the close of a decade of research. この本の出版が 10 年に及ぶ研究の完結となる The
        close at:    《株》終値{おわりね}~で取引{とりひき}する、終値で~をつける
        close by:    close by 近い ちかい の辺りに のほとりに
        close in:    {形} :


  1. "on cleaning duty" 意味
  2. "on clear display" 意味
  3. "on close acquaintance" 意味
  4. "on close examination" 意味
  5. "on close inspection" 意味
  6. "on close terms with" 意味
  7. "on close terms with one's neighbors" 意味
  8. "on closer examination of the evidence" 意味
  9. "on closer inspection" 意味
  10. "on close examination" 意味
  11. "on close inspection" 意味
  12. "on close terms with" 意味
  13. "on close terms with one's neighbors" 意味

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